Foundations Program

Does your dog dart out the door and jump on guests when they arrive?
Are you embarrassed to even invite people over now? 

Does your arm and should hurt after a "walk" with your dog?
Are you tired of every stride feeling like a struggle? 

Do you wish you could hang out with your dog at the beach?
At your favorite restaurant?
In your own backyard?
At the brewery?

Does your dog seem anxious, over-excited, or fearful? 
You are not alone. These are the dogs that benefit the most from this program.
Help is just a click away.

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During the Foundations Progam, You Will Learn...

This program is designed to give you the full foundation of dog training. From health and nutrition, appropriate playtime to basic obedience, and an incredible communication protocol, you will learn everything you need to know to effectively communicate with your dog and live in harmony together.

You might be thinking, "me? What about my dog?" 

On average, 80% of dog training, is training the human! So yes, this program focuses on YOU. I teach the way humans learn. It's extremely important that YOU know how to train YOUR dog. 

Having a trainer in your home, or driving to a facility for an hour once a week isn't going to get your dog trained. No matter which path you decide to go with dog training (in home, facility, board and train), if you don't know how to do the basics, whatever a trainer teaches your dog won't stick at home. You have to be able to follow through.

This is not a course where you will just be dropped into an online program and sent along your way... No.... This is so much more!

This course is a thoughtfully designed Facilitated Program. What that means is that throughout the entire 12 week program, I will be right there every step of the way to guide you and hold your hand. You'll be given access to the coursework along with a private group. Students in my private group are invited and encouraged to ask questions, post videos for feedback, and share in their successes and struggles. We have weekly group sessions over the phone where we go over the week's coursework, address any questions related to the coursework, then move into an open Q&A where students are free to ask anything dog related. 

All of the lessons in this program show real-time dog training. The dog in the videos is owned and loved by Trainer Angela and had very little training prior to these sessions being recorded. Why? Because training shouldn't look easy. It isn't! Your dog will make mistakes, you will make mistakes, there will be confusion, and you deserve to know what all of that looks like!  My mistakes, my dog's mistakes, are all there for you to learn from. You shouldn't be learning how to train a dog from a perfectly trained dog! 

This program is focused on training and obedience that is relevant and practical for the home environment. You won't be bogged down learning things you will never need. You won't be expected to perform at a competition level. 

Instead, we cover useful things like:

  • Don't barge through open doors
  • Be polite when guests arrive
  • Walk nice on leash
  • Stay on your place when asked
  • Relax when appropriate

So what are you waiting for? 

You and Your Dog Deserve This

Your dog's happier, balanced future is just a click away. 

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Contact The Empowered Dog

Call or Text 616.209.9690
Email [email protected]

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